In-depth moments

Safe Anchoring and Seagrass Protection in the Adriatic Sea – SASPAS project

Arsenale - Sala Modelli

30 MayMay

14:00 - 14:30

Panel by CORILA Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia.

The challenge of SASPAS is to preserve and get a better status of conservation of biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea ecosystem in order to decrease its vulnerability. The overall objective is to improve seagrass preservation and restoration through laying safe anchorage innovative systems, performing pilot transplantations, carrying out monitoring activities and by defining an integrated management system for seagrasses in Adriatic area.

The panel will be in italian language.

Clic here to discover the Facebook Page of the project


14:00 –  Welcome
Pierpaolo Campostrini, Head of CORILA
14:05–Ancoraggi ecologici in Golfo di Trieste e alle Isole Incoronate: l’esperienza di SASPAS.
Daniele Curiel, SELC
14:20 – Questions and answers

Wearing FFP2 mask and frequent hands sanitizing are recommended.

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